Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Tree Time!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:42 PM
Right after Thanksgiving, we went to buy our Christmas tree! We were actually the first customer at our Publix to buy a tree. Brianne had a big hand in tree selection this year, and wanted the fattest tree they had.

Once we got it home and set up, Brianne wanted to help decorate. I went out and bought shatter proof ornaments, so letting Brianne help wasn't nearly as scary. She tried to put every ornament on the same branch and got frustrated when they all fell down.

Taking a break from tree decorating.

After hours of diligent tree decorating, here is the finished product. The tree was taller (or our ceiling was lower) than we thought so we couldn't fit a star on top. But it still looks nice :o)

What's a Christmas tree without a neighboring Village? This is the village we had when I was a little girl. Putting the village up each Christmas was one of my favorite holiday activities growing up, and I hope Brianne will love it as much as I do!


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