Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:19 PM
Even though our #1 Valentine was up in Tallahassee on the actual day of Valentine's, Brianne and I did our best to celebrate. And we definitely made the most of it!

Mi Ma Debbie got us a special Valentine's gift - matching heart shoes! Brianne was super excited for us to be matching. She even had to roll her pant legs up for this picture so she could be like Mommy, who was wearing capri's :o)

Making a special Valentine's gift for Aunt Casey and Uncle Scott, who take Brianne to school almost every day while Marty's gone.

Brianne's completed master piece (with a little spelling help from Mom).

I was feeling especially crafty and made pink heart shaped rice crispy treats for Brianne's class! I thought they came out adorable. I even individually wrapped them in pink cellophane, and attached each kid's valentine to it with a heart sticker. My one day to feel like super mom :o)

Here we are on Valentine's Day. Brianne got a special surprise from Daddy - balloons and a teddy bear. I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Brianne being silly - a basket on her head and about 40 heart bracelets on one arm.


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