Monday, March 5, 2012

Friday Night Food Trucks

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:02 PM
For all the nice restaurants in South Florida, the latest culinary craze is Food Trucks - basically fancified roach coaches that pull into a parking lot and serve really nice food. I had heard great things about them, but had never actually gone. So when I learned there was going to be a food truck event at a park 5 minutes from my house, I jumped at the chance to sample mobile cuisine. And Brianne, forever my little shadow, was ready for anything. Mi Ma Debbie was also ready for some food truck action!

We got to the event around 6:30pm, and it was already packed. They had a DJ playing music and about 10 trucks serving everything from tacos to cupcakes and even a truck dedicated to french fries. We chose a truck called Nacho Business, and sampled the fish tacos and veggie tacos. Here is Brianne (wearing a princess dress) waiting in line with me. She had her eye on the DJ and was ready to boogie.

We were advised to bring lawn chairs with us, as food truck events have notoriously little seating, and thank goodness we did! Brianne had a chair just her size.

After tacos, we had to try the cupcakes. Here is Brianne enjoying a chocolate cupcake.

One of the great things about this event, besides the food, was all the people. There were a lot of families with kids there, and Brianne had a blast running around with them. She also danced her glass slippers off. At one point, Brianne took a break from dancing to gaze up at the stars. The funniest part was watching when the 30 some odd people in line in front of her all started looking up at the sky to see what she was looking at.

When it was finally time to leave, we had to bodily carry her out. Even the next morning she asked to go "dancing at the trucks." She is a little party animal in training!


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