Sunday, May 16, 2010

Creepy Crawly

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 4:30 AM
Since Brianne was around 6 months old, I have been worrying about her not crawling. The thing about babies is that they do things on their own time. It doesn't matter if other babies her age or younger were already crawling, she was not going to pushed into anything, no matter how much we tried.

Around 8 months, she started expressing more interest in getting around. First, she all of a sudden figured out how to sit up on her own. One morning, I went to get her out of bed, and before I went into her room, I looked at the monitor in our room. When I flipped on the monitor, she was sitting up in bed smiling at the monitor camera, as if she were saying "surprise!" It was actually kind of freaky. Now she has figured out how to get to sitting from almost any position.

Next came motion, though not exactly forward. When she was on her stomach, she would start pulling her knees underneath her, but she'd be on her face. Then in the next breath, she was pushing up really high on her hands, but her bottom half would be flat on the ground. It took her awhile to get both her hands and legs underneath her. For awhile, she slid around on her stomach, but always backward. She kind of reminded me of a baby seal on an iceberg, the way she slid around. She actually got going pretty fast, but she quickly moved onto the next step.

It was funny to watch her little mind work it all out - If I can't reach something, I can go and get it myself! She wasn't content to slide and sit, she wanted to move more efficiently. So the next step was from a sitting position, she would start rocking forward onto her hands. Then she figured out that if she bent her knees to the side, she could get going.

Then one Saturday morning, we were sitting on the floor together playing. She threw one of her toys, looked at it for a minute, then just leaned forward and started crawling toward it. I was absolutely shocked! As soon as she put it all together, she was crawling around everywhere!

Here is Brianne the first time she got her hands and knees underneath her. You can tell how proud she is of herself.

Now that she is crawling, this is the view we see of her - her back as she is crawling away! She is so curious about everything, and now that she can get around, she is exploring her little heart out.


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