Sunday, May 16, 2010

Daddy's Back!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 4:20 AM
From March to May, Marty is in Tallahassee serving as a State Representative. He either comes home during the weekends, or we meet up in Orlando, so it's not like we go months without seeing him. However, it's very challenging for me to manage everything, especially now that we have Brianne. Luckily, I have an amazing support system of grandmas and aunts who help me every step of the way.

Even with all the help, no one can replace having Marty home full time. So the first week of May, we were thrilled to get Marty back full time.

Brianne is so excited to have her Daddy back full time!

She may look subdued here, but she is about to explode with happiness.


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