Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's a Jungle Out There

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:21 PM
Marty signed up to run in the ING Miami Half Marathon, and had to pick up his participant packet the day before the race. We had to go all the way to the Miami Convention Center on Miami Beach, so we decided to make a day trip down to Miami. I drive to Miami almost every day of life for work, so Marty had to bribe me with a fun day in order to get me down there on a weekend.

We decided to go to Jungle Island (formerly Parrot Jungle). Even though I have lived in South Florida my entire life, I had never been to Parrot Jungle. For the longest time, I thought it was just a bunch of parrots. But when they got there, we were surprised at how many different animals there were.

For example, as soon as we walked in the door, a guy came up and tried to hand Brianne a baby alligator. She was like, maybe next time...

Of course, there were parrots. They had several of them hanging out under their own little individual domes. They weren't tied down, so not sure how they got them to stay put. Brianne enjoyed counting them.

Along with exotic animals like ligers (not a typo - ligers = tiger lions) and kangaroos, they also had a petting zoo with all kinds of farm animals. Brianne made friends with a llama named Felix.

Here we are checking out the alligators. I am subliminally turning her into a Gator fan :o)

Getting the underwater view of the gators. We nick-named this one Tebow.

Making faces at an orangutan.

A quick family photo at the end of the day.

Brianne loved Jungle Island, and can't wait to go back!


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