Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tooth(brush) Fairy

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:28 PM
Brianne feels very strongly about good dental hygiene and has had a small obsession with brushing her teeth lately. Not only does she enjoy brushing her own teeth, she likes to brush Elmo's teeth. She also likes to watch me brush my teeth. On Sunday (January 23), she actually came into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth, and said "Oh, brush your teeth?" The tooth brush nearly fell out of my mouth.

I'm sure teeth brushing doesn't sound too exciting, but when your toddler is doing it (and talking about it), it seems nothing short of a miracle.

Brianne doesn't limit her teeth brushing to the bathroom. Here she is in her bedroom, brushing away.

She is a good friend, and wants to make sure others also have good dental hygiene.

Exhausted from a morning of in depth teeth cleaning.


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