Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ride the Movies

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:12 PM
The weekend of December 10, we went with Marty's parents and our friends, the DiPaolos, to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure.

The day started off a bit chilly. Here we all are huddling under the Universal ball.

We had two whole theme parks to run around in. And what did Bradley and Brianne want to do? Play in the bushes. Go figure.

The grown ups wanted to ride the Simpson's ride (not me), so we waited outside. We practiced our spelling while we waited.

We saw the Wizarding World of Harry Potter for the very first time. It was absolutely incredible! I did ride that ride, and it was the most amazing, yet the most nauseating ride I have ever been on. I am glad I tried it, but you couldn't pay me to ride Harry Potter ever again.

After that, we went over to Suess Landing. I was still feeling pretty ill from the Harry Potter ride, so Brianne rode the carousel with Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe.

Next to the carousel, they have a little play area. The B's had a good time running around. They are actually starting to communicate with each other. Right now, their communication consists of shrieking at each other. It is hilarious.

One last ride before we head out.


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