Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Santa Baby

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:52 PM
Last December, we forgot to take Brianne to see Santa, and we did not want to miss out again this year! Since Brianne was getting dressed up in a special outfit, we figured it was the perfect opportunity for all of us to dress up and take our family Christmas picture.

On our way to see Santa, we made a quick stop at our local farmer's market to see if they had any Christmas-y areas to take a photo. They had a great set up for Halloween, so we had our fingers crossed. We were not disappointed!

After we took our family picture, we went to the Pembroke Lakes Mall to see Santa. We got there around around 2:30, and of course, when did Santa go on break? 2:30. So we killed some time shopping at Macy's. You can tell Brianne is a born shopper, looking for the best deals!

After an hour, it was finally time to get in line for Santa. Pembroke Lakes Mall had a great set up for Santa, and the line we had to wait in had all these neat little kiosks with an activity. They gave us a little card customized with her name, so when you scanned it at each kiosk, it had her name on the screen.

Here is Brianne and Santa. Even though she did have a practice meeting, she still was not to keen on sitting in Santa's lap.

So I got to meet Santa too.

After a long day of picture taking, Brianne was ready to call it a day.


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