Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Snow-Free State of Mind

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:05 PM
This has been a brutal winter for 49 of 50 states - every state except Florida. Every other state has snow on the ground (even Hawaii), and what are we doing? Going to the beach! On Sunday, January 9, we spent the afternoon with good friends, enjoying the sun and cool breeze. Marty and Frank went for a run down the beach while Alona, Bradley, Brianne and I played on the play ground, strolled up and down the beach, looked for shells, admired the ocean (which was freezing) and chased the birds.

Here are the B's going for a little swing.

Looking for shells.

Making a break for the ocean. I almost dropped the camera going after her. I caught her before she did a header right into the surf!

Running through sand is exhausting! Here we are taking a break for a minute.

We went for a stroll down the boardwalk and came across this cool display - Guess Ft. Lauderdale is turning 100 this year! Who knew?

The B's getting a pretty sweet ride in the wagon. Brianne enjoyed eating pretzels, though she stuffed the majority of them down a hole in the bottom of the wagon. That explains the swarm of pigeons following us...

Being a couple of tourists!


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