Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Post-Cruise Christmas

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:53 PM
Our cruise didn't get back until December 26, so Santa visited us a day late. Even though I knew we were going to be gone, I still wanted to get a Christmas tree and decorate our house. I did compromise this year and got a small tree that I put up on our dining room table (this also prevented Brianne from yanking it down).

Also, for the first time in I can't remember how many years, I put up a small part of my family's Christmas village. It is a beautiful little village with different houses, town buildings, little people, the works - even little street lights. It is a lot of effort to put up, but it is sooo worth it. My mom has probably close to 50 little buildings that make up the whole village (I guess it would be a city), but I only put up a small part at the base of our little tree. I enjoyed looking at it so much, I hope to put up more buildings next year!

Brianne checking out the tree, village and presents.

Brianne admiring her presents before tearing into them. Thank you Santa!


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