Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Merry Cruise-Mas! Day 6 and 7

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:00 PM
Throughout the entire cruise, the ship had Christmas activities. From holiday music being played poolside, to "Christmas Vacation" being played at night in the AquaTheater, Christmas spirit was definitely present on the ship. We even got gifts almost every night!

On Christmas Eve, they had Christmas Caroling on the Promenade. They even blew snow!

Here are all the ship's officers leading the carols (up on the bridge, in the gold robes). After we sang our share of songs, it was time to hit the hay to get ready for Santa!

Brianne woke up bright and early to see what Santa brought her. Santa didn't have room to fit all her presents, so he just brought the ones he thought she would like the best (and that fit in Mommy's suitecase) - a small stuffed Big Bird and Cookie Monster!

For Christmas morning breakfast, we managed to get into the Character dining again (it was sold out, but they squeezed us in).

Then we went to see Santa. They had an awesome set up in Studio B to see Santa. Santa's in the back left corner in this picture. The ship had an age-appropriate gift for every single child onboard (over 1,000!). All the staff was dressed like elves, and they were handing out egg nog. It was a great event! Brianne didn't mind seeing Santa this time around.

After we met Santa, Shrek and Fiona showed up!

Since this cruise was on the pricier side, we decided collectively not to do gifts for each other. But to keep in the Christmas spirit, we did want to do some gift giving, and settled on a Chinese Auction (everyone buys a 1 gift, puts it in a pile, and each person draws a gift in order of the number they draw at the start of the game. Each person can steal another person's gift, or pick from the pile.) We had a blast playing. We held the game in the Viking Crown Lounge, so got to enjoy some spectacular ocean views while we laughed our butts off.

Later that day, Brianne wanted to make her own Pet at Sea (like Build a Bear), so we went to the Boardwalk to check it out. Here we are building Brianne's own stuffed animal, a giraffe we named Charlie.

After we finished making Charlie the giraffe, we went to the AquaTheater to see the Madascar aqua show "Let You Entertain Me". The show was really cool, but the sun was blazing, so Brianne wanted to borrow my shades.


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