Thursday, December 2, 2010

15 Month Check Up (A Month Late)

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:33 PM
With traveling for work and the holidays, I slacked on scheduling Brianne's 15 month well baby check up. I was able to get her in Thursday, December 2, which means she is actually 16 months. Never too late for a check up, so to the doctors we went. Brianne didn't take a nap today, so she was already cranky (not a good way to start a doctor visit). She did good in the waiting room, but was not happy about being closed up in the exam room. She kept trying to get to the door and wanted to lay on the floor to look under the door. Poor thing, I think she knew what was coming.

Once the doctor arrived, she was very pleased that Brianne was walking, and seemed to be doing very well overall. She measured 33" tall and 24.5 lbs, which puts her in the 97th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. The doctor said Brianne looked very healthy, and then said it was time to get her next round of shots. She ended up getting 4 shots, 3 of which were the last round of her vaccines, and the 4th was a flu shot. Marty had the brilliant idea of showing her a movie on his phone (Transformers). Maybe not the best movie choice, but it distracted her long enough to give her 4 shots. Per the doctor, the 18 month check up should be shot free (thank goodness).

Here is Marty guarding the door so Brianne didn't get whacked in the face when the nurse came in. Yes, I know it is probably gross to let her crawl on the floor, but the alternative was ear splitting shrieking, so we let her run (we wiped her down really well when we got home).

We also forgot the diaper bag, so we had to get creative to keep her entertained. We had (clean) tongue depressor sticks, which she had fun drumming on the bench, floor, my leg, the doctor chair and cabinets, and (clean) tissues, which she stuffed in her shoes and took out of her shoes, repeatedly.


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