Thursday, December 2, 2010

Practice Santa

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:01 PM
Last year around this time, the one thing we forgot to do was to take Brianne to see Santa. We were recently at a community event on Las Olas, and they happened to have Santa there to take pictures. We were totally unprepared - Brianne was not wearing a cute Christmas outfit, and the outfit she did have on had food all over it. Since there was no line (and no charge), I thought, what the hey, let's see what happens.

Brianne generally likes all people, including strangers, so I thought there would be no problem. I don't know if it was the heat or the crowd, or she just doesn't like jolly men in red suits, but Brianne was not amused by Santa. Oh well, at least it was just the dry run. Hopefully she'll feel more Christmas spirit when we see Santa next time.

Brianne and Santa - Take one.


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