Thursday, December 2, 2010

Toy Takeover

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:10 PM
I love my house, but none of our furniture has ever fit right. And when we had Brianne and all her stuff moved in, things really didn't fit right. For example, we had a kitchen table that we had to push up against a counter to make room for a pack n' play.

In my perfect world, I would have a play room down stairs that all her stuff would go in, and we could shut the door when we were tired of looking at the toys. Unfortunately, we don't have a room with a door downstairs besides the bathroom, so when we recently decided to make Brianne her own play space, we had to get rid of some of our furniture to make room. We decided to convert the area between our living room and kitchen into Brianne's play area, so we broke down that kitchen table that didn't really fit anymore.

Everything is still out in the open, but at least all her toys are in one place where she can get at them, and not stuck in random corners all over the house. Brianne really loves her new space, and I'm not sure why it took us so long to do this!


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