Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beach House Weekend

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:45 PM
For over 20 years, Marty's family has had a time share up at Deerfield Beach. Many of Marty's extended family also have units, so it's a fun time for everyone to get together and relax. We don't stay for the week, but enjoy coming up for the weekend.

I remember taking Brianne when she was only a month old. Oh how the times have changed! The first time we came, we sat under the cabana and soaked in the sea breeze. This time, Brianne wanted to be everywhere - in the pool, on the beach, running around the shuffle board court...

Chilling out in the pool.

Taking a few swings with the pool noodle - showin' that pool who's boss!

Getting a lift from Daddy.

The Beach house is from Saturday to Saturday, so on the Sunday when everyone comes home, we have a Mass at our sister-in-law Casey's house. The Mass is given by our family friend, Father John, who travels the world as a missionary, but finds his way back to Florida every August for the Beach House. Here is Brianne checking out Father John's special Mass items.

Sharing a hug with Grandma Mimi after Mass. Everyone enjoyed a nice breakfast. I wish Mass could be like this every week!

Sharing left-over breakfast bagels with the family of ducks that live outside Aunt Casey's house.

Our pretty little angel :o)


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