Monday, September 19, 2011

Pint-sized Picasso

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:32 PM
We try to encourage Brianne's creativity as much as we can, though sometimes, we are limited by our desire to keep clothes and surfaces clean. But we recently let Brianne go nuts with several bottles of finger paint, just to see what would happen...

Of course, we did this on the patio, with Brianne wearing a bathing suit and working on top of a plastic cooler. At first, she wasn't sure about the finger paint and getting her hands dirty. After she realized how fun it was to smear and squish the paint, there was no stopping her!

Brianne making some dainty swirls.

Then she figured out it was just as much fun to squirt the paint as it was to smear it around. She emptied almost 2 bottles of paint in 5 minutes.

Getting a little crazy with the paint! After the first few minutes, she got more paint on herself than on the paper.

Experimenting with the Smurf look. That blue paint really brings out the blue in her eyes!

After she was done painting, we had to hose her down in the pool.


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