Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Picking a Perfect Pumpkin

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:41 PM
As the weather starts to cool off, it can only mean one thing - pumpkin picking time! A couple weeks before Halloween, we made our way to our local farmers market to pick the perfect pumpkin. Apparently, every other family in the South Florida area was thinking the same thing. It was a packed house! But Brianne was ready to battle the crowds for her pumpkin.

She jumped in head first to scale the mountain of pumpkins. We went to the patch with our friends, the Barrocas's. Cayden was just as eager to climb pumpkin mountain.

Queen of the Hill! Let the pumpkin selection begin!

We picked through what felt like hundreds of pumpkins, and they all started to look the same after awhile. After a little bit, we took a break to check out some of the other items for sale at the market. Brianne wanted to buy one of these rainbow garden posts, but I don't think our little postage stamp size back yard is big enough for one of these.

Exploring the differents kinds of squashes with Cayden.

And then it was back to pumpkin selection. Here is Brianne weighing the merits of pumpkin symmetry and pondering the various shades of orange. Pumpkin picking is serious business!

After climbing over tons of pumpkins (and quite a few children), we found two perfect pumpkins! We brought them home and made jack-o-lanters (or "punkin smileys" as Brianne called them).


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