Saturday, December 31, 2011

Elf on the Shelf

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 12:17 PM
Last Christmas, someone gave us the Elf on the Shelf, so this year, we were excited to bring it out. The way it works is, you put the little elf in a different place in your house every day and the child is supposed to find it. The elf watches the child's behavior and reports back to Santa if they are good or bad. The child is not supposed to touch the elf, otherwise it loses its powers.

Brianne was very interested in the Elf, and even named him. When asked what his name was, she said "Eddie!". We have no idea where she got this from, as we don't know anyone named Eddie. However, when it was time to put him on the shelf, Brianne didn't want to let Eddie go. I tried explaining the whole thing about him losing his powers, but she wasn't buying it.

When I finally got Eddie out of Brianne's grasp, I put him in a place for her to find the next day. But when she saw him, she threw a fit when she couldn't hold him. So we ended up putting Eddie away a little early. Maybe next year!


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