Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Visit from Santa

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 12:27 PM
Santa came to see us on December 25, and was very good to Brianne.

Excited to start opening presents!

This was a very Princess themed Christmas. Brianne got a bunch of princess dresses, princess accessories, shoes, shirts and more.

Brianne opened about half her presents, and had to take a break. But not before she put on as much of it as she could. Here she is watching Rio on her new portable DVD player.

After the break, we went back to opening the rest of our presents. It was exhausting, and we still had 2 more stops to go! After Christmas morning at our house, we went to Aunt Casey's house to have breakfast with the family. Brianne got even more presents at Aunt Casey's house.

Then it was on to Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe's house for even more presents. Whew, we were tired, but we pushed on. Brianne got a new desk and chair.

A bunch of new dolls and other toys.

But probably her favorite gift was a new doll house complete with furniture. The residents of the doll house are all the Disney Princesses, so it's kind of like a miniature sorority house. Later, we had Christmas Dinner at Mi Ma Debbie and Brad's house. We had a great Christmas with our family, though I don't know where we are going to put all these new toys!


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