So we found ourselves in Disney again. The race was on Sunday, so we went to Magic Kingdom on Saturday morning. When we got up that morning, Marty went to get dressed to go to the park and realized he forgot his shoes. Not just his sandals, but his running shoes. This did not bode well for this marathon. Not only had he not ran in 2 months, he was going to run 26 miles in brand new/not-broken-in shoes. But again - Marty would not be deterred.
The week before we left, Marty made the mistake of telling Brianne we were going to see Mickey at his castle on Saturday. Brianne still doesn't get the concept of the future, so was very upset to go to school that day when she thought she was going to the Mickey Castle. Every morning that week, she asked us "Go Mickey Castle today?", to which we replied "Not today, Saturday." After the first meltdown, she was ok and waited very patiently.
So when it was finally time to see Mickey, Brianne was thrilled! Shrieks of "Micckkkkeyyyy Caaasstleeee!" could be heard from miles around our hotel.
Trying on some princess accessories. Luckily, we were able to leave the store without buying anything.
Riding the Peter Pan ride. Brianne and Bradley were more excited than they looked.
The last time we went to Disney (December 2011), Brianne fell in love with the Disney show performed in front of the castle. The show had all the major characters, as well as some lesser known ones. It's amazing, but Brianne remembers a bunch of the characters and was telling us about them before we went in January. The week before we left, she said "Go Mickey Castle and see Peter Pan and Captain Hook and Mickey and Minnie and Goofy...." We were impressed she could remember so many of the characters she saw! She was so excited to see her favorite show again!
We stayed until after dark (the kids hung in there the whole time - Brianne didn't even nap), and we got to see the castle all lit up. It was still covered in lights from Christmas, and was spectacular!
Sunday was the day of the marathon. Frank and Marty had to get up at 3:30am to get to the marathon parking area by 4:30pm. They actually started running around 5:45am. We got to the family area around 8:30am. In true Disney fashion, they had characters and entertainment and more. But I was mostly anxious wondering how Marty was doing, and if he was going to finish. Here we are with Daisy Duck.
Frank finished around 10:30am. He had brought his cell phone with him, and Alona could text him intermittently. Marty didn't bring anything, so we had no idea where he was. I was starting to worry that he was unconsious on the side of the road somewhere. But around 11:00am, we saw Marty come across the finish. He looked a little rough, but was smiling (of course!). I was so proud, I almost cried.
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