Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Birthday Circus

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:27 PM
On January 14, we were invited to attend our friends Abby and Peyton's birthday party (Abby turned 4 and Peyton turned 2). The theme of the birthday was the Circus, and Abby and Peyton's parents did it up big! It was pretty chilly outside that day, but there was so much going on at the party, we hardly noticed.

When we first got there, they had the popcorn and cotton candy machines going. Brianne discovered a new-found love of popcorn. They also had a balloon artist walking around making balloon animals.

They also had carnival games. Here is Brianne practicing her underhand at the ring toss with birthday girl Peyton. They also had Ducks in a Pond and Go Fish. Each game had a prize basket, and Brianne loved playing each game and picking out a prize.

After some games, it was bounce house time. Brianne loves a good bounce house! She had a blast jumping around, and then sliding down the big slide.

Brianne also had her first experience with face painting. She did very well sitting still, but she kept wanting to tilt her head down to her chest. So I had to help hold her face up. This face painter must have been experienced with small children, as she was able to do a great job in about 2 minutes flat.

Brianne chose "Butterfly Princess" for her face painting theme. Surprised? :o) Here is our butterfly princess. The cool weather was actually perfect for face painting since she wasn't sweating.

Bradley got a robot face!

Hi-fiving the balloon clown.

Abby and Peyton's mom, Lauren, is a very talented baker and cake decorater. She made cupcakes that looked like little tubs of popcorn! They were actually marshmallows. They tasted delicious! She also made cotton candy cupcakes. We had to limit ourselves to one though, or risk a sugar coma.

In addition to all the awesome things at the party, they also had a little carousel and ferris wheel brought in. Brianne was a little intimidated by the ferris wheel, but she was all over the carousel. This was definitely one of the best birthday parties we've ever been to!


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