Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Baby Shower for Baby Bowe

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:00 PM
We were excited to celebrate a new addition earlier this month! Baby Girl Bowe will be the first child of our friends, Eric and Nel Marie. Eric and his family are some of our oldest friends that I grew up with back in Homestead. This will be the third baby for the kids of Homestead (Brianne was first, the super adorable Hadley Binder second, and now Baby Bowe). I love getting together with old friends to reminisce about the past and get excited for all that the future holds!

Brianne came with me to the shower and was the perfect little party girl. She got to wear a new dress and have her hair in not one but two poneys (her choice, it had to be two that day). We were glad to see another little girl about Brianne's age at the party. They immediately buddied up and hung out throughout the party. Here is Brianne and Sam dancing.

Taking a dance break before lunch.

After lunch, Brianne and Sam do what all little girls do at a baby shower and tried to "help" the mom to be open her presents. Nel was very gracious and was happy to let them help. Brianne did very well and carefully opened the presents Nel gave her, then promptly handed them back when open. There were a couple times I was afraid she'd make a run for it with one of the toys, but she didn't even try once! I think she was just happy to be part of it.

Getting a little silly after most of the presents were open.

At the party, Brianne loaded up on sugar with lollipops, cake pops and more. I am amazed she didn't bust out of her skin! But she wasn't too hopped up on sugar to stop for a picture with Mi Ma Debbie. We had a wonderful time at the shower and can't wait to meet baby Bowe in April!


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