Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pools and Pirates

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:39 PM
On a recent Saturday, we went over to Granddad Steven and Grandma Janet's house for a visit. It was a beautiful day so Brianne wanted to take a dip in the pool.

I didn't feel like swimming, but Granddad Steve jumped at the chance to take Brianne swimming.

Granddad Steve is pretty buff for being a grandfather. He was throwing Brianne high up in the air. Brianne loved to say "ready... set... go!" each time he tossed her. But Brianne got greedy and tired poor Granddad out. She could have played in the pool all day. Granddad was a good sport and played with Brianne in the pool for over an hour.

After the pool, we went up to Grandad and Grandma's condo. The adults chatted and Brianne played cruise ship. Mommy and Grandma Janet were so proud :o)

After relaxing some, we went over to the Pirate Restaurant next to Granddad Steve's house for some lunch. This place has tons of life size pirates hanging out around the restaurant. Here is Brianne showing this pirate her pirate hook. Aaaargh mateys!


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