Sunday, March 18, 2012

Carnival Fun

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:58 PM
Brianne is just now big enough to fully appreciate carnivals, so when the St. David Carnival rolled around, we were eager to have a great evening full of fun! The very first ride Brianne wanted to try was the mega slide. This slide is easily 2 stories tall. Also, per the nice carnie working the ride, Brianne couldn't sit in Marty's lap - she had to slide alone on her own little mat. Marty escorted her to the top and set up her mat. As he was sitting down next to her, she took off without him! She flew down to the bottom and landed with the biggest smile on her face. I nearly had a heart attack watching her, but felt better when she jumped upped and asked to do it again.

Brianne at the top of the mega slide, getting ready to take off.

Brianne's favorite ride that night was the cars. She picked out her favorite car, put her seat belt on and was ready to go. She rode the cars at least 5 times that night. Side note - yes, we did let her go to the carnival in her princess dress.

After 5 times around on the cars, Brianne wanted to try out the dragons, which is a ride similar to the Dumbo ride at Disney. Since this ride left the ground, super dad Marty wedged himself into the dragon with Brianne to make sure she didn't get scared. Big smiles all around!

We capped off the night with a spin on the ferris wheel. We had a great time, and are looking forward to the next carnival!


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