Friday, March 23, 2012

The Kiar Family is Growing!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:16 PM
We are thrilled to be expecting our second child in early August! We are having another little girl. Marty is super excited, though is feeling a little outnumbered. Brianne and Kiar #2 will be almost exactly 3 years apart. If Kiar #2 is early, they may just have the same birthday!

We told Brianne about the new addition, and if you ask her where the baby is, she points at my stomach. But I don't think she quite gets that there will be another person living with us, taking up some of our attention and touching her toys. This is also putting more pressure on us to get Brianne potty trained, and moved out of her crib.

I have been feeling great, and have fortunately had a relatively easy time with this pregnancy. I was lucky the first time around as well, so hopefully this means Kiar #2 will be just as awesome as Brianne. Time is flying and August 7 will be here before we know it!

Brianne seeing the first pictures of her baby sister. She is excited to teach her sister all about being a princess!


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