Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Beachy Good Time

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 12:00 PM
Here are some photos from a beach day we had back in April. Marty was on the campaign trail, but we still had fun with our friends, the DiPaolos! 

Brianne waiting patiently as we pay the parking meter. She is loving her princess sun glasses!

She was finally big enough to not be scared by the breaking waves on the shore. She wanted to jump right in! I had to keep a hand on her so she wouldn't get knocked over, but she did great holding her own.

Practicing her surfing skills.  She'll be ready to ride the barrel soon enough!  And you can see the baby bump in this photo  :o)

Mommy and water baby.

Monkeying around in the water with Bradley.  The great thing about this beach (in North Ft. Lauderdale, off Commercial Blvd - for any locals reading this) is that it is really shallow right at the edge, which is great for little ones who like to run around but aren't quite big enough to swim.

Someone thought it would be a good idea to take turns burying each other in the sand (I gracefully declined).   Here is Brianne burying Frank.

Bradley was a champ and got buried up to his neck!

Brianne didn't want to be buried all the way, but I was impressed she did it at all!

Relaxing in her Brianne-size beach chair before heading home.


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