Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Fairy Tale Afternoon

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:27 AM
Brianne LOVES Disney Princesses, so when the Disney Princess show came to West Palm Beach, we had to go!  Since West Palm Beach is a bit of a drive for us, we drove up a little early to have lunch and enjoy walking around City Place (the theater was right across the street).

City Place had a little train, so Brianne wanted to take a spin.

Enjoying a mini water fountain show.

Pretty girl in her princess dress.  I should have brought one of her real Princess dresses, but they were all worn out from being worn so much at home, so I thought this would be nicer.

Marty met us up there for the show. He couldn't pass up an opportunity to take his princess to see the Princesses!

The cotton candy man came around and was selling cotton candy with a crown attached. At $10, it was the most expensive cotton candy I have ever bought, but we still have the crown, so it was worth it!

All the Princesses as well as Mickey and Minnie for the grand finale!  The show is great and would definitely recommend for anyone who loves the Disney Princesses!


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