Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Playgrounds and Puss N Boots

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:56 PM
The first weekend in November found us outside and enjoying the cooler weather. We headed over to Vista View Park where Brianne had a blast running around the playground. Brianne was so happy to be outside, she even let me put her hair in pig tails.

Brianne's coordination is getting a lot better, and her confidence is growing. She wanted to climb everything all by herself, and slapped our hands away when we tried to help. Marty and I were freaked out when she wanted to climb this red ladder, but she made it all the way up all by herself!

She also loves the big slides. No more baby slides for this big girl!

Tackling the rope bridge.

Later that day, we met Alona and Bradley at the movies to see Puss N Boots. While we were waiting to get in, Brianne took a minute to high five Theodore from the Chipmunks.

Sitting politely to watch the movie. This lasted all of 5 minutes. Bradley sat nicely through the whole movie, but Brianne alternated between standing in front her chair and sitting in it. We all really enjoyed the movie!

Letting off some steam before the trip home for bed time.


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