Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treating Under the Sea

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:11 PM
As of Monday, October 31, it had officially been raining for three days straight. We were concerned that trick or treating would get rained out, but we kept our hopes up. As of 5:00pm, it was still raining, so I brought out my plan B Halloween activity - pumpkin painting!

I set Brianne up at her table with a fresh pumpkin and some paint, and let her have at it.

She did a very good job painting the pumpkin :o) And she only got a little on herself.

Lo and behold, the rain stopped around 6:00pm, and things were starting to dry up around 7:00pm when it finally got dark. So I got Brianne in her mermaid dress and ready to go trick or treating. Mimi, Grandpa Monroe, Uncle Gerry, Aunt Joanne, Uncle Marc and Aunt Jen came over to take pictures. Even though she didn't quite look it in this picture, Brianne was so excited she didn't want to sit around for long. With her pumpkin in hand, she was ready to hit the streets!

At our first stop - our neighbor's house. They made it so easy and were sitting out on their drive way handing out candy. They loved Brianne's costume and gave her extra candy for being so cute.

Uncle Marc and Aunt Jen came with us. On our journey around the neighborhood, Brianne wanted to make sure we all saw the moon. Here she is pointing it out to Marc and Jen.

Brianne was a champion trick or treater. She went up to each door and knocked herself (I went with her to supervise, of course). When the person answered, she said Trick or Treat!, held up her pumpkin for candy and even said thank you and bye! as she walked away. She did try to walk in to almost everyone's house we stopped at, but we were able to hold her back most of the time. Here's Brianne running from one house to the next.

After each house, she would check out her loot. Then she'd say "more candy?" and then "this way!" to direct us to the next house to stop at. By the end of the night, she was a pro!

We trick or treated for about an hour, and enjoyed every minute of it. Once we got home, Brianne wanted to taste the fruits of her labor. Someone gave her fruit snacks (or gummies), which is Brianne's favorite treat right now. So that was her one treat for the night. The rest of Brianne's candy stash is going to work with mommy for her co-workers to enjoy (otherwise mommy would eat it all by herself if left at home). Even though it had a rainy start, we definitely had a happy Halloween!


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