Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pre-Halloween Beauty Sleep

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:59 PM
Halloween fell on a Monday this year, so we had to do our celebrating over the weekend. Our friends, the DiPaolo's, invited us to their house for a Halloween party, so we had to break out the costumes early. I came across what I think is a Sleeping Beauty nightgown in Brianne's closet that worked out perfectly as a Princess dress.

Brianne was so excited as soon as she saw the dress and promptly tried to tear off her t-shirt and shorts. She even asked to put a pink bow in her hair. Once she got it all on, she said "pretty dress!" and "I'm pretty!" Definitely no lack of confidence here.

Her dress had Sleeping Beauty on it, so she wanted to get into character by climbing in my bed. Here is Brianne and Cooper snuggling under the covers.

Mommy and Sleeping Beauty :o)

Brianne pretending to sleep. The funniest thing is when she pretend snores. She goes "aaa shoooo aaaa shoooo"in a whispery voice. So cute!


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