Sunday, April 1, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:07 AM
Soooo.... It's been awhile since I have updated the blog, so I am going to attempt to catch up and post as much as I can between April and August.  It has been a busy few months! Here we are horsing around at our local park back in April. Wow that seems like so long ago! This is also the start of Brianne's love of Hello Kitty. I think she would wear Hello Kitty every single day if we let her.

At this point, I was already 6 months pregnant with baby #2, but luckily, miss Independent Brianne was able to do most things on the playground unassisted, including making monkey faces.

Catching some air on the bouncy bridge.

Swinging all by herself on the big swings.  No more baby swings for this kid!


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