Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter in the Capitol - Part 1

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:50 AM
We were excited to be invited to the White House for the Annual Presidential Easter Egg Roll. It was a once in a lifetime type of opportunity, so we bought our plane tickets for Washington DC! This would be Brianne's first plane ride, so we were a little nervous on how she would act. We packed toys, snacks, the iPad and DVD player so we'd have something to distract her in case she got antsy.

We made it through security and onto the plane without a problem.  When it was time to board, Brianne went right onto the plane and sat in her seat without issue.  Even though it was early in the morning, we gave her a lollipop to help with the pressure change. She didn't seem to have a problem with the pressure but still enjoyed her lollipop.

Watching Ice Age after take off.  I even got her her own little ear phones, which she thought was really cool. She was a perfect angel through the whole flight, even when we had to turn the movie off for landing.

We were in DC for two days only, so we wanted to make the most of our time there.  As soon as we dropped our stuff off at the hotel, we hopped on a double decker tour bus to see the monuments.  Brianne promptly fell asleep and missed most of the sites.  She did see a few, and thought every monument was a princess castle. Each monument belonged to a different princess - ex. The Washington Monument was Rapunzel's castle, the Capitol was Cinderella's Castle, etc.

Marty was in his glory seeing all the sites.

After the bus ride, we went to Museum of Natural History. It was super cool!  Brianne loved the dinosaurs.


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