Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Big Girl Bed

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:15 AM
With the new baby coming in a few short months, we decided it was time to get Brianne her own big girl bed.  We actually had a day bed and dresser in our guest room (what would become the baby's room), so we opted to just switch the furniture between rooms. Since Brianne was giving up her crib, we didn't have the heart to make her give up her room, though it definitely would have been easier on us in terms of moving furniture.

Brianne and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and she got to pick out her new bedroom set.  So after Marty muscled the furniture into the right rooms, we set up Brianne's "princess bed".  Brianne loved her new bed, but we were a bit nervous that she would give us a hard time about going to sleep. But she surprised us again and went right to sleep! 

Here is the princess in her new princess bed!

Just like mommy and daddy, she wanted to read a book before bed time. What a big girl :o)


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