Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Carnival Ride (The 100th Blog Post!)

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:04 PM
Twice a year, St. David's Catholic Church hosts a family carnival. So we decided to share the wonders of ferris wheels and elephant ears with Brianne. She was amazed at all the rides, colors, and happy people. She was especially delighted with the people singing karaoke. We had to strap her down in her stroller to keep her from jumping on the roller coasters or trying to win one of those little goldfish. On a side note, a few years ago, Marty and I went to the St. David's carnival and we won a goldfish, who we named Quirky. We loved Quirky though he only lived for about a week. I still have the little bowl...

p.s. This is the 100th blog post! Unbelievable! Since they change by the minute, babies give you lots of material to write about!

Brianne and Grandma Mimi hanging out while I finished lunch. Yum, carnival food is delicious.

Here we are on Baby's first carousel ride. Technically, we didn't actually ride, but I couldn't resist getting a picture!

Brianne had a great time!

We gave Brianne a sip of our frozen lemonade. Her reaction to the cold and sourness was hysterical!


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