Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Bradley!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:51 PM
Our buddy Bradley DiPaolo celebrated his first birthday on the weekend of March 13. Bradley's parents hosted the party at their neighborhood park, and were lucky that it turned out to be a beautiful day of weather. We had a great time visiting with friends, singing happy birthday, and eating lots of cake! It gave me a lot of great ideas for Brianne's birthday, only a few short months away!

The only thing that dampened the day slightly was that someone burglarized several cars, including my friend Tiffany's. The nerve of some people!

Here with are with the birthday boy, Bradley, his mom Alona, and our new friend, Zaylee.

Brianne had a great time making silly faces at our friend Paul. Paul actually just proposed to his now-fiance Lisa on Valentine's Day. How romantic!

We tried to sit all the kids down to take take a group shot. All the other younger babies started crying when they were sat down, except for Brianne. She loved sitting with the big girls, and had a blast smiling and getting her picture taken. Pictured with Brianne below is Abby and Zaylee.


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