Sunday, March 14, 2010

Park N Ride

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 2:34 PM
Last weekend (March 4), we decided to take a mini-adventure to the playground in our neighborhood. We've walked by it I don't know how many times, but have never checked it out. Brianne had to try the swing first, and had a blast flying through the air with the greatest of ease - flying might be too strong of a word, gentle swaying is more like it. Marty wanted to join in and rode the big kid swing, but I guess he swung a little too high and got himself motion sick. That's what he gets for trying to show off!

After the swings, we did a little sliding. Marty again tried to show off by zipping down the biggest slide, and got a huge static shock at the bottom. Poor Marty, he had a hard day at the playground. Brianne and I had a great time, though it might take some convincing to get Marty back on that playground any time soon.

Here's Brianne enjoying her first swing ride.

Getting a push from Dad.

Exploring the tubes on the playground.


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