Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rough and Tumble

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:47 AM
We recently started a new Mommy and Me class at Nova University called Baby Rocks. It's held in a room that's more a baby-sized gym and is full of awesome toys. There's still singing, though the songs are more rock n' roll (think We Will Rock You by Queen), great for inspiring baby's first head-bang and mosh pit. We really enjoy this class and all the new, fun activities. There are a couple families that we end up being in the same classes with each session, and it's even more fun to see Brianne's little friends growing up right along with her.

The center where these classes are held have a couple cool indoor playgrounds right outside the classrooms. Here we are playing with a little scooter waiting for our class to start. We actually got Brianne a little scooter for Christmas, so it looks like we will need to break it out! P.s. This head band lasted on her head for about as long as it took me to take this picture.

They have this little swing in the classroom. I'm not sure Brianne knew what to make of it.

Here is Brianne with her buddy Preston. Preston is one of the babies who's been in almost all of Brianne's classes with her.

Here is Brianne in a super cool ball pit. They sit with the balls in the main part of the pit, then you put the balls in the top, and they come down this nifty tube thing (at right).

One of Brianne's favorite activities is Parachute!


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