Wednesday, April 7, 2010

8 Months Old

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:02 PM
Brianne turned 8 months old as of March 17, and we are quickly closing in on one year. She continues to do very well, and is an absolute joy to be around. People tell you, the first few months of infancy are terrible, but after 6 months, they rock. That is the Gods honest truth. Brianne has been a great baby ever since she was born, but every month after 6 months has been better than the last. She continues to surprise us with each new thing she learns.
She has been getting separation anxiety. This means she gets upset if you sit her down and walk away from her. I would feel special that she can't be without me, but she gets separation anxiety with whoever was holding her last. She is getting more and more independent, but when she reaches her little arms toward me to pick her up, it just melts my heart.

She has turned into a little parrot, and has started to mimic our noises and facial expressions. It's so cute and a little amazing that she's starting to put it together that she can make the same noises and expressions as we do.

Brianne hasn't started crawling yet, which I have mixed emotions about. Selfishly, it's really nice to be able to sit her down in one place and know she'll be there if I step away for a minute. However, I don't want her to be delayed and have to see a specialist about crawling. Marty and his brother Marc went from sitting to walking and never crawled, so maybe Brianne will be the same way. I'm sure the cheer we'll feel when she finally crawls will last about 2 minutes until she starts crawling toward light sockets or pulling the DVD tower down on herself.

She is starting to have preferences on certain things, like foods for example. She likes most orange foods (squash, sweet potatoes, etc) and has even eaten broccoli and cauliflower, but she is not a fan of peas. I keep trying different foods on her so she can be a well rounded eater. If it were up to her, she'd just eat yogurt and bananas. But I'm not giving up on peas just yet.


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