Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh Mickey, You're So Fine

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:04 PM
We recently did Baby's First trip to Disney World. All I can say is, you've never really experienced Disney until you've gone with a little kid. All the things you would normally walk by and never notice are their favorite parts and Brianne was no exception. For example, she got a big kick out of all the screaming kids and the music that is piped in to each area.

Since it was Baby's First trip to Disney, we thought it only fitting to go to the Magic Kingdom. Brianne's favorite things were the Cinderella's Carousel, It's a Small World, the Country Bear Jamboree and the Hall of Presidents (daddy was very proud).

Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe went with us, and had a blast watching Brianne's reaction to everything. We had to physically restrain Mimi from buying everything in sight. It was hard for me too, so we limited ourselves to a couple small things. Grandpa Monroe enjoyed reminding us that we could buy the same exact Disney toys at Walgreens for a fourth of the price, but it wouldn't be a true Disney experience unless you overpaid.

We got a peak into the future at all these little girls dressed to the nines in full Disney Princess outfits - make up, hair, nails, dress, shoes - the works. They have this store called the Bippidy Bobbidy Boutique where for the low low price of $300, your child can get all dolled up like a Disney Princess. I used to think that it was a huge waste of money, but after the amazing time we had, I'd spend it in a second (though I'll probably wait until she's a bit older and can appreciate it).

Here we are at the Dumbo ride. We didn't technically ride, but we had fun pretending.

If this doesn't say happiness, I don't know what does. Disney could use this photo to sell tickets.

Brianne's favorite toy, a Minnie Mouse balloon. This balloon cost $8. But she loved it so much, we couldn't resist. And we've had it in our house for about 2 weeks, so we got our money's worth for sure.

Arrrrgh me mateys! Outside Pirate's of the Caribbean.

Watching the parade. Brianne clapped her little head off when Michey Mouse rolled by.


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