Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Water Baby

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:52 PM
I finally got my wish and got to take Brianne swimming for the first time. We went to the Weston Hills Country Club pool because they have a baby wading pool. However, when we got there, I stuck my foot in the baby pool and it was ice cold. I tested out the main pool, and it was like cool bath water. So Brianne got to go in the big girl pool to splash around. We had beautiful weather that day and enjoyed spending the day pool side.

A side note about swimmy diapers, they are not very absorpent. I put Brianne in her swimmy diaper at home and sat her in her pack n' play while I loaded up the car. I went to pick her up, and she was sitting in a puddle. Ick. Lesson learned for next time.

Here's Brianne waiting patiently to hop in the pool after getting rubbed down in SPF 60 sunscreen. She thought a SPF 5 with bronzer would get her a fiercer tan, but I had to pull rank and protect her beautiful skin!

Splashin' away on the stairs.

She took to the water like a little fish. I guess we need to sign up for some baby swim lessons. Michael Phelps watch out!


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