Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Easter!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 10:17 AM
We recently celebrated Baby's First Easter. Actually, the celebration of Easter was a two week affair at the Kiars. Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe went away on Easter weekend, so we celebrated "Pre-ster" the weekend before. Brianne got a jump start on wearing her Easter outfits (she had about 10 different outfits), hunted for Easter eggs and waited patiently for the Easter bunny. We also went to church, and had a very nice "pre-ster" dinner with Marty's parents.

Here we are celebrating "Pre-ster" with Easter outfit #1.

On the Saturday before Easter, we went to Flamingo Gardens (a botanical garden and wildlife sanctuary near our home) to see the Easter Bunny. While we waited to see the Easter Bunny, we explored the Gardens. They have peacocks roaming around, and we were lucky enough to see one up close and personal (though from a safe distance).

Here is Brianne meeting the Easter Bunny, wearing Easter outfit #2. Even though this was being held in a beautiful botanical garden, they had the Easter Bunny in this weird outbuilding. And the back drop looked like a big garbage bag with Easter stickers all over it. Not too Easter-y in my opinion. Brianne did very well meeting the Easter Bunny, though she was most interested in the Easter stickers on the garbage bag wall.

On Easter Sunday morning, we were a little in a rush with having to go to church and all, so we didn't get to give Brianne her Easter basket until the afternoon. She got two baskets, one from Grandma Mimi (the one on the left) and one from the Easter Bunny/mommy and daddy (on the right).

Brianne really enjoyed both her baskets, though I think she was most fascinated by the crinkly pink paper shreds in the bottom of the basket. Go figure.

Since Marty's parents were out of town, Casey's in-laws, Dee and Jerry invited us to have Easter dinner at their home. We had a great time hanging out with everyone, and Brianne really enjoyed hanging out with Aunt Casey and Cousin Taylor.

Here is Brianne wearing Taylor's sunglasses. What a diva!


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