Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Fish Named Quirky

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:25 AM
Brianne loves fish, so I wanted to get her Baby's First Fish Tank. When I went to Pet Supermarket, I asked for the smallest, most basic little fish tank. The store clerk took me over to the aquarium aisle, and handed me the smallest box, and it was still $50! Not including a fish!

I didn't mind spending the money, but when he told me that I would need to take the tank home, set it up, and let the filter run for 4 days before I could even bring home a fish, I told him to forget it. This seemed like a lot of effort for a fish that will probably die in a week. The clerk saw that I was not looking too thrilled, and ever the sales man, recommended a different kind of tank where I could take a fish home then and there.

So we ended up with a Beta fish, and the coolest little tank that coincidentally matches my house! You can actually hang it on the wall, but we thought that was just asking for disaster, so our new little fish is sitting on our kitchen counter.

Meet the newest member of the Kiar family - Quirky 3! (Quirky 1 was a little fish Marty had when he was a kid, and Quirky 2 was a gold fish we won at a carnival that incidentally died a week later - we are hoping to have better luck with Quirky 3).

Brianne loves to watch Quirky swim. Though we are working on explaining to her why she can't pet Quirky like she does Cooper...


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