Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Brianne Turns One!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:23 PM
Brianne's first birthday fell on a Saturday - lucky us! Even though everyone told me "she'll never remember", I couldn't help myself but to throw a birthday party! I've only been to a handful of children's parties, so I wasn't sure where to start. But with Brianne, if you go with Elmo, you can't go wrong. And since we live in South Florida, where the average summer weather is 100 degrees with humidity as thick as a wet blanket, a pool is virtually a requirement. So put those things together and you get an Elmo pool party!

We held the party at Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe's house. They have a great big back yard perfect for parties. They have a pool, though I went out and bought a couple pools that were more appropriate for little kids. The hit of the party was a splashpad (not pictured), which had a bunch of blow up animals and sprinkled water everywhere. I got it at Target for $20, and it was the best $20 I spent! Here is Brianne and her buddy Preston in the baby pool.

Since it was an Elmo party, I was dead set on having an Elmo cake. I found the perfect cake online, however, I couldn't find a bakery to make it for me on short notice. So Mi Ma Debbie saved the day and made an Elmo cupcake cake. She could have a second career as a baker!

Getting her first taste of cupcake (another little Elmo!)

Brianne enjoyed her cupcake so much, she smeared it all over her face in her excitement! Also, you can kind of see it here, but she is wearing - you guessed it - an Elmo bathing suit!

I forget how short kid birthday parties are (they are only supposed to be around 2 hours). The party went by in a flash. Once everyone left, we set about the task of opening all of Brianne's gifts....

Which took us another 2 hours. But Brianne persevered!

Taking a break to play with a balloon.

We managed to get all the presents unwrapped and brought back home. One of her favorites was her Elmo chair, though it wasn't her favorite at first. Actually, the Elmo chair scared her the first time she saw it, and she wouldn't go near it for about 2 days. Now she loves it!
I can't believe one whole year is gone. We had so much fun, and I can't wait to see what the next years with Brianne brings!


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