Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:38 PM
Brianne has been having trouble keeping her hair out of her eyes, so it was time for Baby's First Hair Cut! Mommy got over-excited about the prospect of doing fun things with Brianne's hair, so Brianne also got Baby's First Ponytail the same afternoon. Mi Ma Debbie is a lot handier with scissors, so she came over to be Brianne's stylist.

Brianne is getting ready for her trim. We tried a variety of hair bows and clips to keep her hair out of her eyes, but nothing would hold it back.

After chasing her around our living room and basically pinning her down, I was able to get this loose ponytail into her hair. Her hair is so soft, it slips right out of the rubber band (I even bought the little clear plastic rubber bands, but nothing would hold). You can see that I need a lot of ponytail-tying practice!

We had to distract her with an episode of Elmo on the iPad. Even with Elmo, she still wiggled around.

But Mi Ma Debbie persisted, and we were able to trim Brianne's hair!

Here's the finished product! What a cutie!


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