Saturday, July 10, 2010

Best Weekend Ever

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:24 PM
The weekend of June 19 was the best weekend in recent memory for the Kiar family. Friday was the qualifying deadline for candidates to file paperwork to run for office. Marty's opponent did not file his paperwork correctly, and didn't qualify, so Marty won his state house office. That would have been enough reason to celebrate. But Saturday was Marty's birthday, so we had another celebration. Marty's special birthday meal is McDonald's so he enjoyed some McNuggets and fries. Then Sunday was Father's Day, so we got to celebrate that as well. All around a GREAT weekend for Marty!

Marty enjoying his annual McDonald's dinner for his birthday. We only eat McDonald's once a year, so he really savors every bite. Since I don't eat meat, I just get french fries and a strawberry milkshake (though I doubt there's any meat in the McNuggets anyway).

Brianne made Daddy a mug for Father's Day with her picture on it. The glue wasn't very good, and the photo popped off after a few minutes, but it was the thought that counts!


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