Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:37 PM
When you're on a beach vacation, you can handle overcast skies. It's the rain that really puts a damper on things. So on one of our last days at Sanibel was all rain, all the time, we turned to the internet to find something to get us out of the house, but still be in doors. We found a child's discovery museum called the Imaginarium in Ft. Myers that seemed right up the babies' alley, so headed out to see what it was all about.

It took a bit longer to get there than we originally thought, and I thought we had gotten lost when the directions were taking us by pawn shops and gun stores in a bad looking part of town. The Imaginarium ended up being in a reclaimed water plant, so we had our reservations.

Once we got there, we were pleasantly surprised. They had an area dedicated to under 5 kids, with all kinds of toys, a puppet show, and mini grocery store (all plastic). They also had a live animal area, with local wildlife (alligators, etc), science experiments, even a hurricane wind tunnel experience.

This place would give the Discovery Museum a run for it's money!

Our day started off inauspiciously. Brianne had just fallen asleep right as we pulled up. She was determined to stretch her nap out as long as possible.

Checking out the animals. She wasn't afraid at all!

Learning about clouds...

And gravity...

Practicing her audition to join Blue Man Group...

She loved watching the ball race around the track.

In the Tiny Tot area, they had a bee hive experience, with a little maze built to look like a honey comb. Brianne really enjoyed wandering around!

Playing with a train set.


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