Saturday, July 10, 2010

They Call Her Flipper

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:05 PM
Living in South Florida, we are lucky to have so many fun activities nearby. One weekend recently, we ventured down to Miami to visit the Miami Seaquarium with our friends, the DiPaolos. I am normally opposed to driving to Miami when I don't have to, since I have to drive there almost every day of the week for work. But we thought it would be fun to do something different.

I haven't been to Miami Seaquarium since I was a little girl, and a lot had changed. First off, it was way more expensive (like $40 per adult - though we found some coupons online). Also, there were a lot more animals than I remembered. They had a really neat observation area where you could see the dolphins up close, as well as a lot of different kinds of fish and aquariums. There were even a baby dolphin and a baby sea lion (in separate tanks). We had a great time watching the animal shows, and checking out all the different kinds of sea life.

Here we are at the entrance to the park. We got there right when it opened, so there were hardly any people there.

The SeaAquarium has a really cool bounce house water park in the front. The babies were too little to go on most of them, so they had to settle for a regular bounce house.

Brianne checking out some fishies in the main aquarium area.

Brianne wanted to take a dip and swim with the sting rays.

We wrapped up the day with the Shamu show. They had a killer whale in the same tank as 5 dolphins. Brianne enjoyed watching the dolphins do flips, and watching the whale splash everyone on the lower seating areas.


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