Monday, July 19, 2010

Bubbles and Bathtime

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:32 PM
After a little bit of sun on Friday, we ran out of weather luck, and had overcast skies for the rest of the time. So we had to get creative in how we kept the babies entertained. Alona and Frank have a really awesome bubble machine that makes humongous bubbles. So we went out to a grassy area outside our condo, and enjoyed some bubble fun.

This picture is so cool, it looks like the bubble is wrapping around her.

Brianne pondering the mysteries of bubbles.

Brianne LOVED the bubbles! This is one of my latest favorite photos.

At the end of the day, before bath time, the babies had some fun running around the condo in their diapers. Bradley and Brianne have been mistaken for siblings before, but when dressed only in diapers, they look more similar than ever.
Out of all their toys with lights and music, they loved playing with Gumby, the one toy with no noise or shininess.
This picture of Bradley just cracked me up. He is a little comedian.
Here they are admiring themselves in the mirror.


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