Friday, July 23, 2010

Splish Splash Saturday

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:33 PM
In our continued quest to beat the heat, we have started exploring pools around our area. I've recently learned that many public pools have "splash pads", which are like play grounds with sprinklers attached. We recently visited a splash pad in Coral Springs, and had a great time exploring all the pools.

Brianne scoping out the splash pad with daddy. All the big sprinklers kind of freaked her out, but Marty and I really enjoyed running through them! I think we both felt like we were 5 years old again.

We tried to put Brianne on Marty's shoulders, but she wasn't having any of it. Here is the world's worst chicken fighter.

Having a break from water fun, and eating some lunch with her buddy, Bradley.

Enjoying a sprinkler with her favorite accessory, mommy's sun glasses.


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